Preparing for the months ahead makes sense in a business that shifts so markedly with the seasons. Participating in your distributor's seasonal parts and supplies stocking program may not feel like a priority when online ordering and same-day delivery are available, but doing so can help you prepare, and offers the following benefits:
Save on labor costs incurred with fewer trips back and forth to pick up commonly used seasonal supplies.
Earn extra incentives which can offset the cost of carrying added inventory.
The risk of stocking up is low since many programs offer low buy-in levels and allow for rebalance of unused inventory at the end of the season.
Stocking programs generally offer a competitive price, and some even offer price protection that lasts throughout the bulk of the season.
Programs may contain universal and OEM service parts for the brand of equipment you carry, so you can order your most common replacement parts.
Stocking up can help ensure availability of the parts and supplies that you need before the rush.
Set yourself up for a smooth season. Let your Stevens Equipment Supply HVAC Territory Manager help you with your Parts and Supplies Preseason order.
Fall 2020 Catalogs are available now!